
Excruciating Silence

I am such a communicator. Recently a loved one chose not to share, touch base, or respond to me for a time. I felt out of whack, desperate, crazy. We reconnected today, hooray!

The silence of a friend was broken… and all is well in my world again.

13 thoughts on “Excruciating Silence

  1. Difficult when loved ones deal with problems in different ways. Like you I am a communicator and like your friend my husband goes silent. Luckily it doesn’t happen that often but it is so stressful when it does. I feel like I’m about to explode.


  2. I am waiting for the silence between me and my friend to be broken as well. She’s been under immense family pressure, caring for her daughter who was diagnosed with leukemia. I miss her, but understand.


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